Crisis and Survival

The global outbreak of the corona virus has shown to the whole world what poor, working class, disabled, chronically ill, and immunocompromised people–in particular black, brown, and indigenous folks– have known all along.  A society where a small group of people control all of the housing, ways to produce essential needs, and access to healthcare…


Looking back at my blog, I realized it has been over a year since I have updated.  It almost feels like there’s too many changes to process, let alone express.  Becoming a parent has been a transition that no amount of preparation could have equipped me for, and my child has challenged me from the…

Parental Leave Update

Dear friends and clients, Some of you have reached out as, already!, it is April, the time I thought I would be back from parental leave.  As all my parent friends warned me, nothing about parenthood is expected, including my schedule.  We have had a whirlwind of  postpartum time.  My little one is alert, warm,…

Transitions Fall 2018

In the last few days the air in New York has changed drastically, the new moon has come and gone, children have started school, and many are celebrating a new year.  Yesterday, September 9th, also marks the 47th anniversary of the Attica Prison uprisings, and the formal end of one of the largest prison strikes…

Breaking Tradition

For the past week, clients and friends have been sharing their perspectives, grief, and trauma triggered by the ongoing crisis of child detention and the separation of children and their parents based on Trump’s expanded immigration policies, and asking for my thoughts. I will be brief, because the atrocities of the moment in many ways…

Spring: Necessary Work

Dear friends, clients, and comrades, I’ve been trying to get my things together for you all for the last several months.  My last post–about endings and beginnings, helped me, and I hope others get through some difficult times.  Right now in New York it’s cold and windy, and a loving, beloved, beautiful black man, Saheed…

Losing Our Grip

The Winter Solstice, the holidays, and the new calendar year are all times of deep reflection.  Ends become beginnings, and we tend to take stock of our year–who and what have we lost?  What struggles have we encountered?  We also look towards a renewal–What will I do differently?  How do I want to be in…

All Kinds of Dreams

 To look at the world as a revolutionary is to see that the very basis of your exhausting wage labor job is the creativity necessary to make something that goes beyond meeting your own individual immediate needs.  To look at the world as a healer is to see the migraines, nausea, back spasm, toothache…as health in the process of becoming. And of course, vision is not enough.  It must be accompanied by collective struggle against capitalism and its manifestations in white supremacy and patriarchy.  But struggle without vision is a losing battle.

Resistance in the Dark

Like most people, I’ve been thinking a lot about darkness.  From the murder of an anti-fascist warrior in Charlottesville, to the endless prison sentences of loved ones, continual assassinations of black and brown people by the police, the brutal murders of trans people in the streets, and generally living in a world where white supremacists…

The More They Try To Break Us

This week has brought the constant, seething dynamics of white supremacist capitalism to the forefront of public attention, with the Grenfell Tower fire, the police murder of Charleena Lyles, the acquittal of Jeronimo Yanez (the cop who murdered Philando Castile), and the brutal beating and murder of Nabra Hassanen.  Meanwhile, over 2 million people live…